- Luciana AIGNER-FORESTI (retired)
Etruscology and Italic Studies
[Mail] - Petra AMANN (Deputy head of department)
Professor of Etruscology and Italic Studies
[Mail] - Franziska BEUTLER
Latin Epigraphy and journal Tyche
[Mail] - Elena CHEPEL
Project Feste und Gesellschaft im ptolemäischen und römischen Ägypten, Project Vom Nil zum Kaukasus
[Mail] - Thomas CORSTEN
Professor of Greek History and Epigraphy
[Mail] - Alina DIMITROVA
Project CIMA-Conceptualising Intercultural Mediation in the Greek-Roman Antiquity. A multidisciplinary approach
[Mail] - Wolfgang HAMETER
Greek and Roman History
[Mail] - Herbert HEFTNER
Greek History and Roman Republic
[Mail] - Vera HOFMANN
Porject: Communication between ruler and subject by edict and epistle
[Mail] - Sindy KLUGE
Project staff Etruskische Spiegel in Österreich
[Mail] - Robinson KRÄMER
University Assistant (PostDoc) for Etruscology and Italic Studies
[Mail] - Peter KRUSCHWITZ
Professor of Cultural History and Antiquities; Director of studies
[Mail] - Felix MICHLER
University Assistant (PraeDoc) for Roman History and Latin Epigraphy
[Mail] - Fritz MITTHOF (Head of department)
Professor of Roman History and Latin Epigraphy
[Mail] - Hertha NETUSCHILL
[Mail] - Werner NIEDERMAIER
IT representative, First aider, Safety representative
[Mail] - Bernhard PALME
Professor of Papyrology and Late Antiquity
[Mail] - Anna POKORNY
Student Assistant (MAPPOLA) - Linda PUTELLI
University Assistant (PraeDoc) for Papyrology and Late Antiquity
[Mail] - Stefanie SCHMIDT
Project Annäherung durch Handel - Benjamin SCHROTT
University Assistant (PraeDoc) for Greek History and Epigraphy
[Mail] - Peter SIEWERT (Emeritus)
Greek History, Ancient Legal History - Fabio SPALLA
University Assistant (PraeDoc) for Cultural History and Antiquities
[Mail] - Edith SPECHT (in Ruhe)
Women's Studies
[Mail] - Hubert SZEMETHY
Head of the department's collection
[Mail] - Hans TAEUBER (retired)
Greek History and Epigraphy
[Mail] - Ekkehard WEBER (Emeritus)
Roman History and Latin Epigraphy
[Mail] - Karin WIEDERGUT
Greek Epigraphy
- Gertraud BREYER
Etruscology and Italic Studies - Chiara CENATI
Roman History and Latin Epigraphy - Penelope FAITHFULL
Military History, Carmina Epigraphica - Alexander GANGOLY
Cultural History, Carmina Epigraphica - Victoria GONZÁLEZ BERDÚS
Carmina Epigraphica - David HACK
Assistant in Etruscology and Italic Studies - Andreas HOFENEDER
History of the Celts, Historiography - Sophie KOVARIK
Vom Nil zum Kaukasus - Thomas KRUSE
Papyrology and Legal History - Marcin KURPIOS
Single project Historien des Phylarchos - Csaba Attila LÀDA
Single project Ethnic Designation in Hellenistic and Early Roman Egypt - Ludwig MEIER
Greek History and Epigraphy - Denisa MURZEA
Gender History, Carmina Epigraphica - Claudio NEGRINI
Etruscology - Moritz NUMRICH
Roman History, Archaeometry - Mario PAGANINI
Papyrology - Nadine RIEGLER
Roman History - Matthias SCHULZ
Grundlagenforschung zum Bohairischen Johannesevangelium - Mirko TASSO
Late Antiquity, Carmina Epigraphica - Eleni THEODOROU
Greek History - Ingrid WEBER-HIDEN
Latin Epigraphy