Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Fritz Mitthof
Fritz Mitthof. Foto: privat
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Fritz Mitthof
Head of Department
Phone: +43-1-4277-40570
E-mail: fritz.mitthof@univie.ac.at
Consultation hours: by appointment
Room: Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, HP.179
Key Research Topics
- Political, social, administrative, military, economic, monetary, cultural, intellectual and scientific history of the Imperium Romanum in the Principate and Late Antiquity (1st-7th century AD)
- Edition and commentary on written primary primary sources of the Principate and Late Antiquity (1st-7th century AD) in Latin and Greek (inscriptions, papyri, ostraca, etc.)
- Roman historiography and identity
- Ancient Southeastern Europe (with a focus on eastern Danube and Carpathian region, as well as the Balkans, especially the area of present-day Romania and Bulgaria)
- Greek-Roman Egypt
- Reception of antiquity in the Habsburg monarchy (esp. Transylvania)