The department’s collection
The collection of the Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy of the University of Vienna was originally part of the Archeological Collection, which in 1884/1885 was given a prominent place in the newly opened university main building on Franzensring. Plaster casts from the study collection of the Academy of Fine Arts were added later. After the separation of the Department of Classical Archeology from Ancient History (officially in 1984, physicallyin 1989), a modest remainder of the collection, consisting mainly of inscriptions and their casts or impressions, was left.
From the beginning this collection was conceived as a study and teaching collection to train students of ancient history. Since part of the Department moved in 2006, the objects are now housed in several department rooms in the upper and lower parterre of the main university building. The collection can be visited by appointment for scientific purposes.
Inv. no. F0015: Glass plate with photo of inscription AE 1978, 734. Photo: Universität Wien
Management and contact
Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Hubert Szemethy
Telefon: +43-1-4277-40565
Selected objects
As part of the “Object of the Month” on the university library’s website, our department also presents objects from our collection.